COVID-19 Updates

February 3, 2021
December 12, 2020
November 25, 2020
November 10, 2020
August 1, 2020

Due to anticipated rain on August 2, we are moving online for worship! At 10:45 we will be on FaceBook Live on this page. At 9:00 we will have Sunday School in person at the church. There will be an adult class in the sanctuary and a children’s class in the gym. All school age children are welcome but we ask that younger children be accompanied by a parent or guardian. We will limit the number in each class to 25 and ask people to social distance. Masks are important to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, so come with your mask!

July 24, 2020:
July 17, 2020:
July 11, 2020:
June 9, 2020

MAY 9, 2020:

APRIL 2, 2020:

Great News, with the permission of New Brighton authorities we are permitted to proceed with our GRAB A SACK Easter event. We will also have pre-filled communion cups available if you would like to have one at your home for our online Maundy Thursday communion service. Please read the directions below so that we can all stay safe for this event.

1.) This is a drive through event. We ask that you stay in your car. We will hand the number of bags you need through your window. Please be ready to tell us how many children you have and how many bags you need or how many communion cups you want so that we can keep the line moving.
2.) KIDS DO NOT NEED TO BE PRESENT to get a bag! Please send one person representing your family to pick up.
3.) We will be in the lower gravel lot passing out bags. Please drive up 5th street heading toward penn ave when approaching. This will prevent traffic congestion on penn ave.
4.) Please do not come out if you or someone in your household are sick or under the weather.

MARCH 19, 2020:

We are filled with hope at NewBNaz. We are confident that this time of uncertainty will pass. Until that time we bear a great responsibility to our members and community. We are therefore cancelling all gatherings for the next two weeks.

Stay connected to Facebook or for updates going forward. We request especially our Sr. Adults exercise caution and stay home to reduce risk. Know that we will have special gatherings for adults and children online during this crisis. At 10:45 Sunday we will be online with a message of hope through Facebook and Instagram. Kids resources are coming soon to help parents with this extended break from social interaction.

Know that we value this opportunity to serve effectively during these days of challenge. Feel free to call, message or email us if you have any questions or concerns during these days.

Thanks for your understanding.
Pastor Randy and The Church Board at NewBNaz

MARCH 14, 2020:
New Brighton Church of the Nazarene will continue to worship Sunday morning. Please know that even though we will continue our worship time, we care deeply for our members, our friends, and our community. Our facility is cleaned regularly. We will make sure our soap dispensers are full. We will have hand sanitizer before entering the sanctuary. Please use these as often as you feel necessary. Feel free to practice social distancing.

We will continue our online ministry and will have online giving available shortly. We would encourage you to be faithful stewards and tithe accordingly online if needed. Please remain home and enjoy the online service if you or someone in your household has sickness.

Remember that GOD is in control and has already gone ahead of us. What shall we fear! Please let us know if there is need in our community. Our purpose is to be Gods hands to those in need!